Of writing

Why the worlds most of knowledge begins with Plato or Aristotle? Is it because they were super human being most knowledgeable persons until now, or is it because we have history which starts from these two intellectuals. My answer to this question is related to third part of these answers above mentioned. Yeah of course it is because our history or let me be precise our documented histories starts from Plato, not only in matter of the history but in other fields of knowledge too. As he is called the father of philosophy right but what if he would have not documented that philosophy- human memory is very short we forget things in very short time- he is still remembered its only because he has documented his philosophy and his knowledge regarding things and its nature. No doubt they were prodigy in these fields but they would have been forgetted if they were/are not written anywhere. Writing is not just an activity to learn the language only, but it is the process to immortalize yo...