For the aspirants of UGC/ NET/SET

After an absence of short period of time one more time my blog has called me. Actually, this time I have came to it, yeah! It remains silent for much of the time. But it always waits for me whether I care or not, it never said no to me. And this is the most beautiful thing regarding my blog. It provide me place to write, it gives me freedom to write whatever I wish without any kind of excuse or argument. It never says no. This time it is for the aspirants of GSET(State Eligibility Test) and NET(National Eligibility Test). An exam which certifies one for the post of Assistant Professor(A highly respected job)in government colleges. According to the rules of UGC(University Grants Commission) NET or SET is minimum qualification to be an assistant professor. And for that NET exam is conducted at national level twice a year by CBSE( ) and SET (for Gujarat GSET ) is conducted by respective state, time of GSET exam is not fixed but they arra...