
Showing posts from March, 2016

Swamp Dwellers by Wole Soyinka

The swamp dwellers is a play written by Nigerian play wright sole Soyinka. The subject of the play is the contemporary picture of Nigeria. The story of the play is breaking of the family as effect of colonialism in Nigeria in the early twentieth century. Makuri is father in in the family an elder person. ALU is mother in the family. This couple has two sons respectively Auchike and Igwazu.   The nature and personality of both son are contrasting. Igwazu has respect for the tradition, his parents, and his village. Auchike has no care about his parents, he is self-centered person. Igwazu lives with his parents in village where as Auchike living far from parents In some city since last ten years and has not send a single letter or money to his parents neither he visited the city in these ten years. When the play opens six month has been passed since Igwazu with his wife Desala gone to city And he is going g to come home today. Igwazu gone to city with hope of earning more money as...

Points to think over The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes

1 What is the meaning of phrase ‘Blood Money’ in Veronica’s reply email? Most of the secrets in the novel are revealed in the end part of the novel. Including the old retarded fellow, the meaning of the letter, and the significance of Adrian’s page of diary. All the confusion created during the narration are solved at the end except for the phrase “Blood Money.” As we know after reading the novel that Sarah Ford the mother of Veronica has left 500 pound and other documents. Veronica calls that 500 pounds blood money. Generally we use the phrase blood money for the money which is earned by mischief, or by committing some kind of crime. This phrase is most disturbing to the narrator Tony Webster. Many times he tried to understand why Veronica calls it blood money? but he never get the answer. As now we know the fact that there was a relation between Adrian and Sarah, and as it was mentioned in the letter sent by Sarah to Tony that Adrian was happy during his last days; obvi...

Digital Humanities

Digital humanities, also known as digital computing is a field of study research , teaching and invention concerned with the interaction of computing and the disciplines of the humanities. It is the methodological by nature and interdisciplinary In scope it involves investigation analysis, synthesis and presentation in electronic form. It study how these media affects the disciplines which they are used. And what the disciplines have to contribute to our knowledge of computing. It is also the networks of people who have been working together sharing research arguing , competing and collaborating for many years. It founds its origin from the conversation with Andrew McNeillie. A. there is long data text based processing, and so the research in the fields like stylistics, linguistics and authors contribution studying, all heavily associated with English department. B.Second is that it has long association between computers and composition C. Hypertext and other form of lit...

Brief views about Preface to Lyrical Ballads- William Wordsworth

Basic ideas of Wordsworth, in his ‘The Preface to Lyrical Ballads’ The main difference between classicism and romanticism are as below: Indian the time of romanticism the poets were free to think and imagine, and free to express whatever the feel. Whereas Indian the classicism the function of the poetry is to provide knowledge and the driving force behind their creation is intellect. So we can say that In the time of classicism the poets were restricted, they were not allowed to think, or to imagine and to express what they feel. Classics were imitating or present city life, and they follow Greek and Roman tradition. Whereas romantics were imitating the rustic life and they idealize the nature. Here Wordsworth does not ask who is poet, because it does not matter to him cause he did not want to concern the man who he is, and it’s not important to him. Because what matters to him is the quality and the skill what makes him poet The word diction means the effectiveness and the degre...

Archetypes of Literature by Northrop Frye

In literary criticism the term Archetype is used to show the recurrent narratives, designs, pattern of action, character types, themes and images which can be seen in wide variety of other literary works as well as in myths, dreams and even social rituals. And after much time reoccurred in works they become universal forms of pattern and symbols. And thus when the attentive reader read it, he finds that pattern. The archetypal critic tries to find this pattern, symbols and myths in present literary works. In this Fry is trying to prove that literature can be study systematically, and criticism can be the organized body of knowledge.  As physics as a branch of knowledge learns Nature, but only partially, and not in totality. The same thing is criticism do with the literature and art. It learns literature but not the really literature itself, means it also like the physics learn partially. So criticism also can be called science, and it tries to learn literature systemat...

My views regarding the “The Birthday Party” by Harold Pinter

1. The two scene of the Lulu from the play is omitted in the film. We often contradict with what we have said in past and what we realize at present. May be this is the reason why Harold Pinter has removed those two scene while writing a script for the movie.  The second thing is that a writer will always try to make his work perfect in the film version of the play he might find it unnecessary thus he removed it. These scenes were not of importance because though these scenes were removed in the movie it doesn’t make any difference in its effect.  2.  It has been said that technology always provides better things than it was. The same is the result with the play Birthday Party.  In reading you may not feel the same kind of menace and fear, the fear of unknown dangers. But while watching movie the menace remain there on the screen as well as in the mind of the audience. As simply reading will not provide the same kind of the effect, the movie is successful in makin...

My views on Deconstruction theory

The deconstruction is the theory/practice of reading which questions and claims to subvert or undermine the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of the literary text. It is a new way of reading text, it goes beyond the traditional way of reading texts. What he says that text has in itself has some elements that deconstruct the structure of that text. It differs from structuralist view, that meaning lies within the text. Deconstructionist says that the work is made of words and words have no definite meaning. It is the reader who creates meaning, word can’t give meaning.  In his essay Structure sign and play he gives terms like Decentering the center:-  Derrida deconstructs the metaphysics of presence. There is nothing like truth apart from language. He tries to prove that the structurality of the structure does not indicate the presence, its free pl...

My views on structuralism

“Men made language, and language can make man mad”  Human mind remembers and understands the things in structure. Or rather call it thing, what Structuralist calls it sign(idea, concept, image). Mind remembers signs of that thing. Everything has its own structure, the same applied in literature and in language. In language we found “S+V+O”. Literature follows the same structure as human life, birth, old age and death, in literature we found the same thing but in different way the beginning, the middle/climax and the end or resolution. They say that word has not meaning at all, the meanings are generated by context, in which it is used.  structuralist believes that we assumes the meaning by convention. Convention depends upon the occurrence of the word, like Hindi words BABAJI KATHULLU, and recently the word MAUKA which are repeatedly used now days. Garrard Genette give the Narratology in order to understand the structure of the literature. It consist of five parts, ...

Myths and its functions should be at present

Every culture and society has its own myths. Myth or myths is not new word. Simple meaning of the word myth is story. But people also believe myth as history and even as the truth. Let me state it in twentieth century theorist and critic Roland Barthes’ words that “ myth is neither a lie nor a confession; it is an inflection ”.   Every group of society has their own cultural myths because myths are “public dreams, dreams are private myths” .   Scholars in myths and in mythology found its origin as early as in the time when man was living in cave in stone-age. At that time the natural the natural phenomena like thunderbolt and rain and similar types of things frighten them. Thus to understand such natural phenomena they used to tell stories and those stories through the flow of time and by the nature of retelling and repetition in time it grown up as myth and several other stories are also included for the purpose of pleasure. As the human race evolved from that stone-age ...

Critical views on Harry Potter

The idea of pure blood or master race   is age old, but it became prominent in the days of Hitler and Nazis. A world should only be ruled by Master race or one who belongs to pure blood, left should serve them. They thought they have right to rule over others. Nazis declared that the Nordics were the true Aryans because they were much less racially mixed with people who were non-native to the European continent. Based on this idea that Nordic people were superior to all other races, the Nazis believed they were chosen people to expand the territory. At a first glance, the Harry potter universe seems to have little racial tension. There are a handful of non-white characters including fellow Gryffindors, Lee Jordon, Dean Thomas, Angelina Johnson, and Parvati and Padma Patil, and Cho Chang. Yet Rowling treats race with less attention to race. She has created universe which is not based on racial identity, rather it seems like melting pot, a multicultural state. These mult...

Point to think over the texts Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

1.                    Brown’s statement on his websites about the book that this book is not anti-Christian, yes obviously it is not, but for those who read or watch, and do not understand properly what it wanted to convey will see it as anti-Christian text. Infect it is rational text on what we perceive as religion, which is not more than faulty institutionalization throughout the history. The book points out the faults lying within the Christianity, where the god is not problems but the problem is the institutions, its rituals, group formation, laws which is also men made to control other human being for interest of some people, and which is problematic. Yes I agree with his view that the book is   constant spiritual journey , an entertaining story that `promotes spiritual discussion and debate. Even he suggests that the book can be used as positive catalyst for exploration and intro...