Swamp Dwellers by Wole Soyinka

The swamp dwellers is a play written by Nigerian play wright sole Soyinka. The subject of the play is the contemporary picture of Nigeria. The story of the play is breaking of the family as effect of colonialism in Nigeria in the early twentieth century. Makuri is father in in the family an elder person. ALU is mother in the family. This couple has two sons respectively Auchike and Igwazu. The nature and personality of both son are contrasting. Igwazu has respect for the tradition, his parents, and his village. Auchike has no care about his parents, he is self-centered person. Igwazu lives with his parents in village where as Auchike living far from parents In some city since last ten years and has not send a single letter or money to his parents neither he visited the city in these ten years. When the play opens six month has been passed since Igwazu with his wife Desala gone to city And he is going g to come home today. Igwazu gone to city with hope of earning more money as...