My views on Deconstruction theory

The deconstruction is the theory/practice of reading which questions and claims to subvert or undermine the assumption that the system of language provides grounds that adequate to establish the boundaries, the coherence or unity, and the determinate meanings of the literary text. It is a new way of reading text, it goes beyond the traditional way of reading texts. What he says that text has in itself has some elements that deconstruct the structure of that text. It differs from structuralist view, that meaning lies within the text. Deconstructionist says that the work is made of words and words have no definite meaning. It is the reader who creates meaning, word can’t give meaning. 

In his essay Structure sign and play he gives terms like

Decentering the center:- 
Derrida deconstructs the metaphysics of presence. There is nothing like truth apart from language. He tries to prove that the structurality of the structure does not indicate the presence, its free play of signs. 

in this he says that a literary text is a work of language and language is in state of ever changing/ its evolutionary. Language being in the flux is not ever the same. It always gaining in new elements and loosing the older ones” thus the literary work being made of language/words there is no certainty of its meaning.  So the meaning of the work of literature is keep changing with the time. For example you can’t fix the center without periphery and similarly you can’t reach to periphery without knowing the center, so it also keep changing there is no end of this. Similarly in text a word suggest another word and there is no meaning in word itself, you have to rely on other words. And definiteness of meaning is impossible.

I would like to deconstruct the advertisement of deo-sprays.  In all that ads. Women are always shown sensual, is it the reality? Are only women sensuous? It is not that so, it is because of the patriarchal structure of society.        
by the way i do not understand anything about deconsruction.


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