Digital Humanities

Digital humanities, also known as digital computing is a field of study research , teaching and invention concerned with the interaction of computing and the disciplines of the humanities. It is the methodological by nature and interdisciplinary In scope it involves investigation analysis, synthesis and presentation in electronic form. It study how these media affects the disciplines which they are used. And what the disciplines have to contribute to our knowledge of computing.
It is also the networks of people who have been working together sharing research arguing , competing and collaborating for many years. It founds its origin from the conversation with Andrew McNeillie.

A. there is long data text based processing, and so the research in the fields like stylistics, linguistics and authors contribution studying, all heavily associated with English department.

B.Second is that it has long association between computers and composition

C. Hypertext and other form of literature that continues to this day…. Like the Google books and project Gutenberg.

D. In department of English, where computers and other objects of digital materials, culture become centerpiece analysis.

yes of course it’s better to use e-texts than books, even in research it is also very helpful like one fellow analyzed 3000 books published between the years 1800 to 1900. And it is also helpful in study, like the google who gives answers you in few seconds, tools like kindle, i-pad, nook, Google books are also helpful.

At the present time digital humanities is not that much helpful in regional language as it is in English language, it will be helpful even in regional language very soon, it is in under process.

Ergodic discourse is term given by Paul Ricoeur. In his words “is appropriated from physics, and constituted from two Greek wordsErgos- ‘work,’ and Hodos-‘path or road’and in this context it is used to describea type of discourse whose signs emerged as apart produced by a non-trivial element of work. Ergodic phenomena are produced by some kind of cybernetics system, that is machine or human that operated as an information feedback loop, which will generate and different semiotic sequence each times it is enlarged.” For example in movie Hello based on one night at call center, mobile phone used as path founder, it saves six lives. In Ra.1 movie PDS a gamming tool plays very important role.


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