My views on Waiting for Godot by Samuel Buckkett

Waiting for Godot is a play written by Samuel Buckkett it is largely regarded as one of the best play written during 20th century. The play is a satire on human condition by inventing two characters and makes them waiting. The play indirectly satirize human tendency of waiting in life whether it is a thing. Person, god, incident or even death throughout our life we are continuously waiting for something. 

The subject of the play is waiting and not Godot. Throughout the play the two men characters are constantly go on waiting- which is such a boring task. Though they are waiting for Godot but even they don’t know who Godot is how he looks and even don’t know the place they are waiting is right or not. It is the wait for something to end and something to begin. Waiting is such activity like it kills the time and by killing the time trying to kill life.
Waiting of the two characters is the depiction of life as useless where one has to wait until death and even you can't escape from that condition. You have to wait.

It also explores the existential crisis of human being on earth. It raises some questions in readers or viewers mind and even in characters mind that what are they waiting for? What is the purpose of their waiting?? What is their existence on earth? Why they are here? And series of others, this list can be extended as long as one wish.

Waiting for Godot is a play which only can make you restless about your life and your being, your existence. With an explosion of Endless unanswerable questions not only It only can make you ask questions and do not answers. Generally when people don't find answer to their daily life problems and questions they will turn towards literature to get solution of their problems and answer of their questions. The more I retesting thing is that even they get answers also to their questions and solutions of their problems. Or sometimes one forgets the question after reading literature like this.

This will not happen with you while and after reading the Play it will not give answer or any solution but rather it will leave you with endless questions like 

Who are you?
What are you doing here?
What is your existence? It is there or not it is also not sure..
Why are you here? What is purpose of your being?
What are you waiting for? 

Have you ever tried to know yourself? Have you ever tried to meet with yourself?

It can be said or it can be seen as harsh satire on religion and people who believe in God as Samuel Buckkett significantly given the title "waiting for Godot".... Somebody has rightly said that waiting is such boring task, painful, endless and useless task which everybody on the earth has to go through.

All the religions of the world hold the belief that there is/are god/s. And the followers are following it blindly as the word follower itself meant that it has to do one thing follow without thinking. There is nothing else to do they are abstained from free thinking.

All the world's religions say there is god, he will save us, there is hell and there is heaven. He will give us place according to our deeds we did on earth. Every religion has its own god to pray, to adorn, to praise. Every religion has its own stories to tell and it plays very pivotal role in constructing or in more blatantly conditioning its followers. This myths also constructs a premise in which followers will live their life. They will wait until their last breath for some day god will come and will pluck him or her from the suffering and pains on the earth.

Every religion has similar stories that when the soul of a human being suffering from the earthly pains god(whatever you call according to respective religion) will come to redeem you from that pain and will take you with him.
But the problem is that we never ask question like what?


We always go on living like a man believer or not always live in fear and waiting of what?

Is it a thing or the person? 

Whom one had never seen or felt?
Even there is no assurance that whether he will be able to recognize? 
How one can recognize the one whom he or she never met before. What he knows are stories he listen or read from his or her religion. 
There is no guarantee whether his or her wait will be fruitful or waste?

In fact life itself will end but No one will come except death. Whether Godot come to redeem oneself and save or not that is biggest mystery of human life, because those who died could not tell us whether there is such things like a God, heaven or hell or things and what the all religious Scriptures says. No one remain there to tell us that all this are right or all these were just mere stories. But those who are living have only heard but no one has had experienced and ever seen god.

The play opens with the line “nothing to be done”, and it continues to repeat throughout the play. this nothingness is the theme of the play, as in this play at micro level many thing happens but in reality nothing happens, as two tramps are waiting for Godot but “no one comes no one goes nothing happens” things and words are only repeated. We see characters are waiting for the Godot but their wait is endless. They plan to commit suicide but they could not, there is nothing like usefulness all is meaningless there is no change at all. And both the time boy come at the end of the acts that nothingness and uselessness of waiting is clearly pointed out.    


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